Halloween Play Dough Jack o Lantern Pumpkin

Hello children, this is shobha here today with a special Halloween treat for you! Today, uncle sudheer is going to show us how to make a fun Halloween Jack o lantern. First you have to make three balls of orange, brown and green playdoh. Take the orange ball and flatten it in the shape of a pumpkin. Use the pointy end of a paintbrush to draw lines on the pumpkin.
Use your hands to shape the lines along the pumpkin. Take the green play doh and make a conical shape. This is the stem of the pumpkin. Attach the stem to the top of the pumpkin. Take the brown ball oh play doh and flatten it out. Cut out the eyes of the jack o lantern from the flattened play doh. Make sure the eyes look scary! Cut out a small nose by cutting the shape of a triangle.  Finally cut out the shape of a wide toothy smile for the jack o lantern. Attach these cut of bits of brown play doh to the pumpkin one by one.

And here you have it, kids. A scary halloween jack o lantern that you never have to throw away.